We upgraded this Vanwyk Production Dispenser for a textile printing company in Europe. They had previously used software supplied by Vanwyk, which linked to an ICS-Texicon dispenser running ICS software. We originally replaced the ICS software with our own, and more recently replaced the Vanwyk software. The result was unified software on both machines, and a seamless link between the office software and each dispenser. The new software is both easier to use and quicker to dispense than the previous software.
Our work on the Vanwyk dispenser included porting the formulations over from the Vanwyk software, and implementing programmable control of the post-dispense mixing system. The dispenser comprises an in-feed conveyor, dispense position, mixing position and off-ramp. The software controls every stage of loading, dispensing, mixing and unloading, and handles different sizes of tubs, corrective dispenses and other common functions.